Granville-Ohio Covid-19 Pandemic Quarantine Project
**09/02/2020 UPDATE - Feature in the Ohio Humanities publication Pathways released. You can view the digital version here: Ohio Humanities Pathways Fall 2020
We are still collecting thoughts and reflections until the end of September from participants. If you would like to say a few things about that period of time, or just about 2020 please feel free to email them to me at
**06/28/2020 UPDATE - currently collecting quotes from participants to add to the book we are creating. We will be launching a Go Fund Me campaign very soon to raise money to help with the costs associated with producing the book. We will announce here, on social media, and also email. If you haven’t subscribed to the email updates please consider doing this below.
Covid-19 pandemic quarantine project:
These are the people of Granville, Ohio during the quarantine period March-April 2020.
as a documentary / editorial photographer who lives in Granville i am documenting
the individuals and families in quarantine.
With respect to social distancing and being that it is VERY IMPORTANT,
i am photographing quarantined people on their front porch, or in front of their homes from a safe distance such as the street, sidewalk, through their windows, etc.
The framing, cropping, and processing of these images is intended to represent the social distancing that we are all instructed to practice during this time, and the mood.
We are using social media and this blog to display the images so that during the quarantine
the community can comment and interact with each other, people can also send the photographs to their
friends and families and let them know how they are doing during this time.
After the pandemic subsides, we will be creating a book that will include these images.
More information about the book coming soon.
To view more photography work by henrY Leiter Foto
please visit the portfolio section: